Meet Tyler Knott Gregson. A photographer, author and buddhist who also happens to be one of the hottest poets in pop culture today thanks to social media and his legions of fans. Worshipped on pretty much every social platform out there, Gregson has single-handedly brought poetry’s cool back.

So how does a young man from Helena, Montana come to be almost every millennial’s poetry heartthrob? It began while browsing in an antique store when Gregson stumbled upon a vintage Remington typewriter for sale. Standing up and using a page from a broken book he was buying for $2, he typed a poem without thinking, without planning, and without the ability to revise anything.

Three years and almost one thousand poems later, Gregson is now known as the creator of the Typewriter Series: a striking collection of poems typed onto found scraps of paper or created via the blackout method that has taken the world of social media by storm.

Gregson just launched a new book Chasers of the Light which features some of his most insightful and beautifully worded poems that illuminate grand gestures and small glimpses, poems that celebrate miracles in the mundane and the beauty of a life spent chasing the light.

I asked Tyler Knott Gregson to spend some time with me on one of my GLAM4GOOD days. Gregson photographed my team empowering a group of young women and was inspired to write some moving poems to honor GLAM4GOOD. Check out more work from Tyler Knott Gregson. Help GLAM4GOOD spread his sensitive insights and beautiful words.