[ultimate_heading alignment=”left”]Yes! The GLAM4GOOD Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) organization, EIN: 46-2284247. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law. You will receive an automatic tax receipt upon donating.[/ultimate_heading]
[ultimate_heading alignment=”left”]A donation receipt will be sent to you at the email address you provide on this form. Please be sure to keep a copy of your receipt for tax purposes. If you select a recurring donation, you will be sent an individual receipt each month when your donation is processed.[/ultimate_heading]
[ultimate_heading alignment=”left”]Yes the security and confidentiality of your donation is our highest priority. We use industry standard technology to protect your information and provide a safe and secure environment for online donations.[/ultimate_heading]
[interactive_banner banner_title=”THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING THE GLAM4GOOD FOUNDATION” banner_desc=”The GLAM4GOOD FOUNDATION IS A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION DEDICATED TO IGNITING POSITIVE SOCIAL CHANGE, IMPACT, AND EMPOWERMENT THROUGH BEAUTY AND STYLE.” banner_height=”ult-banner-block-custom-height” banner_height_val=”256″ banner_title_font_size=”desktop:30px;”]