Ellen Barkin is my new hero! It’s hard these days to know what stars really look like. All the filters and digital retouching that go on top of their pictures make a young woman like me want to retouch my pictures, too. Then along comes 60-year-old Barkin posing for a series of photos in Violet Grey’s online magazine, The Violet Files, and her pictures are not retouched in any way! Barkin makes it cool to show wrinkles, smile lines and imperfect skin. Not just for women her age, but for all young women in the age of filter mania!
Barkin shows off her fine lines, under eye circles, and everything else that makes her human — and guess what. She’s still stunningly beautiful.

Not only did she nix retouching the photos, but she did stuff you do in everyday life in them. Chomping down on bacon cheeseburgers, lounging in a robe with a towel on her head, even having a cup of coffee.
So many times we’re told that being beautiful means being perfect. You have to have straight, white teeth, lustrous hair, no wrinkles or other imperfections on your face. But who is actually like that? No one!
So to all the young ladies out there, stop spending 20 minutes making your Instagram selfies unrecognizable from all the touch ups and filters, and take a cue from Barkin. Confidence and being yourself, it’s the new airbrush — and GLAM4GOOD is loving it!
All photos courtesy of Violet Grey.