GLAM4GOOD has a crush on We Heart It, the image-based social network for known for their inspiring pictures. We Heart it likes to say it’s , “A home for your inspiration” where users can collect (or “heart”) their favorite images to share with friends and organize into collections. Our favorite thing about this cool platform is that it strives to provide a safe, positive, and inspiring environment for young people to discover and explore the topics that interest them. So much of social media engenders filtering, projecting and idealizing the life you lead, GLAM4GOOD loves that We Heart It wants to empower through imagery.
“Everyone has flaws, but so what. You don’t have to be perfect to be worth loving.”

We Heart It sent us this awesome video and we had to share it with you. The video came about after they received hundreds of unsolicited emails from their users expressing how the platform had empowered their self acceptance. With 40 million users in over 190 countries, We Heart It decided to ask some of their most active users to explain their feelings on camera and they received hundreds of responses back. These are some of the beautiful highlights inspired by 13 girls from 9 different countries (Canada, Hungary, USA, Spain, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, UK, and India). Sometimes in life, you forget to love yourself. This video reminded us why it’s so important.

GLAM4GOOD gives a great big “heart” to We Heart It for this powerful reminder of how important it is to spread the message of acceptance to young women across the globe to keep believing in and loving themselves. This video is filled with optimism, passion, inspiration and self love, and GLAM4GOOD thinks that is something the world could use a lot more of!
“When you accept yourself you feel no need to compare yourself to others. And I think that is the most inspiring and powerful thing you can feel.”

I love this video! These girls are amazing!