How is it ok to have rail thin girls modeling lingerie, half-naked wearing angel wings, on TV but it’s not ok to have plus-size models looking sexy and showing skin?
GLAM4GOOD is shocked to hear from our friends at Lane Bryant that a new ad starring Ashley Graham and other plus-size models wearing lingerie has been banned from airing on both ABC and NBC. Sources are saying it’s a size issue but we hear it might be because there’s a model breast-feeding her baby in the 30 second spot.
It’s all pathetic and wrong in our book. GLAM4GOOD thinks this video is elegant, beautifully shot and very empowering. Lane Bryant just released this official statement below.

“The THIS BODY campaign was meant to be a fun way for us to celebrate and honor women of all shapes and sizes. What is too much for some does not hold true for others. All women should be celebrated and feel empowered to express themselves as they see fit. We want her to know she can attract as much media attention, look just as striking as any woman, and decide what beautiful means to her. The THIS BODY commercial holds nothing back. It is a true celebration of women of all sizes doing what makes THEM feel beautiful whether its breastfeeding their newborn, flaunting their bodies the way they see fit, breaking down barriers all around and simply being who they are or want to be!”

Everyone at GLAM4GOOD is pretty outraged. Please tell us what you think. We want to hear your opinion and voice on this wether you agree with us or not!
This is so wrong. The ad is gorgeous and tasteful. With all the sex, drugs and mayhem on TV and they won’t run this? Have they lost their minds?
Yes, their logical, socially conscious, all empowering, all encompassing, all embracing minds? Yes, they lost that ages ago, IF THEY EVER HAD ONE!! Stop and consider how long it took just for women of color – ANY color except pink – to be able to be shown in ANY print or media advertising of any kind anywhere for anything? How long did it take for women in general to be taken seriously about anything? Oh, wait ~ my bad ~ they STILL HAVEN’T DONE THAT!!! We’re still waiting on that one! That, my children is because egotistical, bigoted, uneducated, mysogenous MEN still have much too much to say about what happens to and with us! My God ~ this is the freakin’ 21st century and we are STILL fighting this battle?? My daughter is in her mid 30’s with six beautiful children and a great husband, but the world she was born into has changed very little in so many important positive ways than the one she deals with now as a grown woman. For that I feel almost like I should apologize to her. But, it’s not all my doing. It takes a village to raise a child and it takes half a planet to make important and necessary changes to the other half!
So wrong. I thought we had come farther but now seems like we have taken several steps backwards! Don’t we have a lot more problems in the world than this!? Get real Networks
I LOVE THIS! Plain and simple, hard to believe that we can have naked Victoria Secret models on TV but this is not ok. Bravo Lane Bryant!!
Beautiful, positive advert; what a shame. The media had become are our worst enemy: shamelessly shoving their pet politicians down our throats while pretending the others don’t exist, pushing mindless crap such as the Kardashians, refusing to cover the important, underhanded goings-on on in our government such as the TPP or the peoples’ call to label GMO’s….the list goes on. This is another sad reminder of how far we have fallen. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if, instead of running for President, Mr. Trump would use his bazillions to start a news network that reported the news the way we were taught… who,what,when,where,why and how , while being careful to tell both sides fairly and and without prejudice while running positive and uplifting ads such as this.
Trump wouldn’t know where to even begin with such a project. The entire concept of unbiased, simple truth is so foreign to him he wouldn’t know it if it blew up in his face. And he never will. I’m thoroughly convinced that the more dollars some people accumulate, pile up, hoard, and pull out of circulation, the more brain cells they must give up for every dollar.
See nothing wrong w/this add. What’s their problem?
This ad should be all over the place!
All forms of inappropriate behaviour and violence are foisted on us in advertising. Yet, this ad is the one ABC and NBC chose to refuse putting on-air? We’ve more and more become a nation of voyeurs whose superficiality has gone beyond common sense. A mother nursing her child is an iconic figure representing renewal and the continuity of our species, Homo Sapiens. Outrageous behaviour by these networks.
In a day and age where I can listen to a song on the radio and learn about sex, drugs, murder and mayhem, these women are beutiful.
In a time where ppl can post nudes of themselves from sun up to sun down, photoshop themselves into visual lies, these women are visually real, and I applaud them.
Shame on these networks for their hypocrisy.
It’s a BEAUTIFUL commercial and the stations not airing it for whatever reason is ridiculous! We see so much more on these networks just in regular TV programming that is way more objectionable in my opinion, sex, language and violence. I would much rather see the natural act of a beautiful plus size woman breast feeding her precious baby than two people writhing between the sheets or calling one another vulgar names. Shame on these networks for not airing this commercial, I hope they get a lot of backlash for not doing so. I applaud you Lane Bryant for making such an amazing TV Ad with gorgeous REAL women that represent a lot of us plus size women in everyday life. I will continue to share this commercial simply because it should be seen and I believe it deserves it! Shame on those not airing it! There is no shame in being #BODYPROUD!
The woman breastfeeding is showing the world that breast are used for something more then sex. Thank you Lane Bryant for this.
What a beautiful way to show that ALL women are beautiful. We all deserve to feel beautiful. The ad is tastefully done and should be seen by all. It shows nothing more than some of the other ads with thin women in it do. Put the ad back out there for everyone to enjoy.
on General Hospital on ABC one of the stars was breast feeding her baby. How come they didn’t complain about that. I am overweight & I have 2 daughters who are overweight. But I really didn’t like the commercial. I don’t know why. Maybe because they were bunched together. Sorry
banning this is so wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I say well done ladies and EMBRACE YOURSELF should be all womens motto!!!!
I am 47 and have lived with a disease called anorexia nervous a and bulimia nervous for over 30 years. Society’s crude ways over the years of depicting women as rail thin, made up with tons of make up, hour glass figures, and as sexual objects has been appalling. This is the era I grew up in thinking that if I didn’t fit into any or all of these catagories I wouldn’t be accepted for who I was or what I looked like. I have lived in constant fear for years thinking I had to live up to society’s standards as what society depicted as NORMAL! When obviously in actuality that wasn’t normal, being who we are and loving who are no matter what we look like is NORMAL! The unfortunate ways in our world today is that Sex sells right. When we see thin women advertising for Victoria Secret are they not posing provocatively with little clothing on? Of course because the attraction is Sex and it’s been drilled into our society that in order to be accepted we have to be thin and beautiful then and only then will we be accepted and also find a man so to speak. B%#%>S#%%T! This is an outrage! I am so upset by the damn media already when is it ever going to change? Let women be free to live how they want and love themselves for who they are. Only then when we let this take place will things change in our damn society. Let us be free! Lane Bryant deadly job, loved it. And hats off to the models great job, you all rocked it!
Thank you so much for sharing your truth with us. Incredible comment!
Banned=?=?=incredible stupidity! Please CBS (my favorite network), please don’t go along with this insult to most of the women in the world about size and to all of us nurturing and protecting the existence of the human race. Congratulations to Lane Bryant==a beautiful ad……get it out there by whatever media possible.
I’ve been an unhealthy size six and an unhealthy size twenty six but now I am a healthy size eighteenand know that I am comfortable where I am today. This ad made me smile because it was beautifully made and showed me the is a store that has fashionable private wear that can accommodate my curves. I guess some media outlets just want full bodied women to remain quite,pleasant,and plump instead of confident,fearless,and beautiful. Sucks for them cause we are winning.
This is a beautiful ad. I want the world to see it. Not only does it use advertising to celebrate and showcase the Beauty and Power of women, it will inspire and fortify and nourish audiences of young women and men to grow up differently than we did.
Great article. I will be going through some of these issues as well..